About Me

I am a mathematics Ph.D. student at the University of North Texas working under the guidance of Anne Shepler. I graduated from the University of Texas at San Antonio with a bachelor of science in mathematics and a bachelor of arts in physics in 2010. While I was at the UTSA I was a tutor at the Tomas Rivera Center. I also recieved a master of science degree from the UNT in 2013.

My academic interests are in reflection groups, braid groups, discrete geometry, and algebraic topology. My research quite frequently includes thinking about tilings and higher dimensional cubes such as the tesseract.

During my free time, I like to play the bass and electric guitar and participate in the active music scene in Denton which includes attending the three regional music festivals held each year. Here are some helpful links about the festivals:

You can email me at: philippuente@my.unt.edu.

UNT Faculty Information: UNT Faculty Info.

UNT Mathematics Department: UNT Math.

When you're thinking about something you don't understand, you get this terrible uncomfortable feeling called confusion. It's a terrible and unhappy business. I get this feeling that I'm an ape trying to put two sticks together to get a banana, so I always feel stupid, but once in a while the sticks come together on me and I reach the banana.             -Richard Feynman

University of North Texas