The Gross--Kohnen--Zagier theorem via $p$-adic uniformization (Marti Roset Julia) | Department of Mathematics

The Gross--Kohnen--Zagier theorem via $p$-adic uniformization (Marti Roset Julia)

Event Information
Event Location: 
GAB 461
Event Date: 
Friday, September 13, 2024 - 1:00pm

The Gross-Kohnen-Zagier theorem states that certain generating series of Heegner points on a Shimura curve are modular forms of weight $3/2$ valued in its Jacobian. We will explain this theorem and outline a new approach to prove it using the theory of $p$-adic uniformization and $p$-adic families of theta series of half-integral weight. This is joint work with Lea Beneish, Henri Darmon, and Lennart Gehrmann.