Master's Defense of Helena Tiller | Department of Mathematics

Master's Defense of Helena Tiller

Event Information
Event Location: 
via zoom
Event Date: 
Tuesday, December 12, 2023 - 2:30am

Professor Doug Brozovic invites you to attend the

Master's Defense of Helena Tiller

"The Subgroup Structure of GL(2, p) for p a prime"


If R is a commutative ring with 1, GL(2, R) is defined to be the group of invertible 2x2 matrices with entries in R whose determinant is a unit in R. Groups of this type play a significant role across many areas of mathematics. Let F be a field of odd prime order p > 3. The purpose of this presentation will be to classify the maximal subgroups of GL(2, F) and PGL(2, F) := GL(2, F)/Z, where Z := Z(GL(2, F)).