Measuring Your Chances: A Short Introduction to Probability and Measure; TAMARA KNOX (UNT) | Department of Mathematics

Measuring Your Chances: A Short Introduction to Probability and Measure; TAMARA KNOX (UNT)

Event Information
Event Location: 
GAB 461, 12-1 PM
Event Date: 
Friday, April 13, 2012 - 12:00pm

Speaker: TAMARA KNOX (University of North Texas)

Title: Measuring Your Chances: A Short Introduction to Probability and Measure

Abstract: Why does probability often seem so kludgy? How is flipping a coin related to the unit interval? A frighteningly brief introduction to Lebesgue measure will be followed by a fun look at measure-theoretic probability. Shiny manipulatives will delight the senses as familiar problems are cast in a new light. This talk will be accessible to anyone with at least a vague notion of limits.