Oxford, England



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Place: Oxford
Scientist: Moseley, Boyle, Francis Bacon

Oxford University

Radcliffe Camera

Bodleian Library Quad

Bodleian Divinity School

Hertford Bridge

The Ashmolean Museum

The Ashmolean Museum

Ashmolean Science Museum

Einstein's blackboard


old chemistry instructional set

used by Moseley

Moseley's X-ray spectra

(broken) X-ray tube

More of Moseley's apparatus

ancient home of Boyle

Robert Boyle (1627-1691)

more ancient scientist

Old Grefiar's Street bends

A plaque, obscured by the tree

Roger Bacon (c 1214-1294)

classical curriculum

University Museum of Natural History

Inside the Museum

Oxford dodo

imaginary creatures

statue of Roger Bacon

Sir Humphry Davy

Joseph Priestley

Oersted, the Danish scientist

Townsend Hall

in time for Moseley

2007 Moseley plaque

Clarendon Laboratory of Physics

Lindemann Hall

forgive the misspelling

Inside the Moseley Room

an X-ray tube

Moseley in his uniform

One of Moseley's X-ray tubes

Another view

Moseley's original plot

the original plot

5 different transitions

classic photograph

the story of Moseley


To help the scholar


Saved from the fire

the second globe

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Copyright ©2018, Dr. James L. Marshall and Virginia R. Marshall
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