Quartic Gauss sums over primes and metaplectic theta functions | Department of Mathematics

Quartic Gauss sums over primes and metaplectic theta functions

Event Information
Event Location: 
GAB 461
Event Date: 
Friday, April 12, 2024 - 3:00pm

We improve 1987 estimates of Patterson for sums of quartic Gauss sums over primes. Our Type-I and Type-II estimates feature new ideas, including use of the quadratic large sieve over the Gaussian quadratic field, and Suzuki's evaluation of the Fourier-Whittaker coefficients of quartic theta functions at squares. We also conjecture asymptotics for certain moments of quartic Gauss sums over primes. This is a joint work with C.David, A.Hamieh and H.Lin.