After a 2 year hiatus due to Covid, we had the 2022 Integration Bee on Friday, April 8 in GAB 105. We had 58(!) intrepid, take-no-prisoners competitors and that was just for the cake! They were even tougher when it came to indefinite integrals. We also had a fearless squad of graders and cake/soft drink servers.
The winners this year were 3 TAMS students - Brian Jiang (senior), Etash Bhat (junior), and Zachary Li (junior). (In the photo Brian is in the center, Etash on the right, and Zachary on the left).
In addition we had some trivia questions - some mathematics related and others not. Which Shakespeare character says, ``I am ill at these numbers"? (Hamlet). Which famous mathematicians have birthdays in April? (Gauss, Euler). What was the big event of April 12, 1961? (Yuri Gagarin is the first to orbit the earth). Who said ``Always do right. It will gratify some and astonish the rest''? (Mark Twain). And what is the theme song of the movie ``Breakfast at Tiffany's''? (``Moon River").
Congratulations to all the winners and participants!