Statistics Minor or Certificate | Department of Mathematics

Statistics Minor or Certificate

For today's graduate, just one word: "Statistics":

See the attachments below for information about the statistics minor and certificate. The requirements for the statistics minor and certificate can also be found in the undergraduate catalog: statistics minor; statistics certificate.

Note, the requirements for the statistics minor and certificate are similar. You would sign up for the statistics minor if you want a statistics minor attached to your undergraduate degree (for example, a major in psychology with a minor in statistics). If you want a designation on your transcript indicating some specialization in statistics not connected with your degree, you can sign up for the statistics certificate. The statistics certificate is independent of and can be earned before, simultaneous to, or after completing an undergraduate degree. Mathematics majors may not minor in statistics, but may earn the statistics certificate.

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PDF icon Statistics Minor41.62 KB
PDF icon Statistics Certificate43.76 KB