The algebra seminar at UNT highlights research in the fields of algebra, combinatorics, representation theory, geometry, and number theory, as well as their interactions with other fields. Speakers include visiting researchers, UNT faculty members, and graduate students. Learning seminars on topics of interest to students are encouraged. The schedule for Spring 2025 can be found below and here. If you would like to be on the algebra seminar mailing list, send an e-mail to with subject "subscribe".
Date | Speaker | Title |
2024-10-25 | Mahdi Asgari, OSU | Convex Polytopes and the Combinatorics of the Arthur Trace Formula |
2024-10-7 | Erin Pierce, UNT | Klingen Eisenstein Series |
2024-9-27 | Walter Bridges, UNT | Integer partitions, automorphic forms, and random representations of Lie Algebras |
2024-9-13 | Marti Roset Julia, McGill University | The Gross-Kohnen-Zagier theorem via p-adic uniformization |
2024-5-3 | Eva Goedhart, Franklin & Marshall College | Solving a family of Thue equations over imaginary quadratic fields |
2024-4-26 | Stephanie Treneer, Western Washington University | Towers of codes, lattices and vertex operator algebras, and associated replicable functions |
2024-4-24 | Sue Sierra, University of Edinburgh | The symmetric algebra of the Virasoro algebra |
2024-4-19 | Martin Raum, Chalmers University of Technology | Formal deformations of modular curves and their relation to motivic periods |
2024-4-12 | Alexander Dunn, Georgia Tech | Quartic Gauss sums over primes and metaplectic theta functions |
2024-3-29 | Alexis Hardesty, Texas Women's University | Realizing algebra structures on free resolutions of grade 3 perfect ideals |
2024-3-22 | Dimitar Grantcharov | Weight modules of infinite-dimensional Lie superalgebras |
2024-3-8 | Ralf Schmidt, UNT | Stable Klingen Theory |
2024-3-1 | Robert Lemke Oliver | Enumerating Galois extensions of number fields |
2023-12-1 | Jonathan Cohen, UNT | Siegel p^2 vectors for irreducible representations of GSp(4) |
2023-11-17 | Brandon Mather, UNT | Quantum symmetry of Hopf actions |
2023-11-10 | Erin Pierce, UNT | The adelic construction of classical Eisenstein series |
2023-11-3 | Isaac Bancroft, UNT | Resolution of Ore extensions |
2023-10-27 | Mike Hanson, UNT | Ramanujan congruences for partition functions |
2023-10-20 | Yueqiao Wu, IAS | A non-archimedean characterization of local K-stability |
2023-9-29 | Ethan Jensen, UNT | Automorphisms of quantum polynomial algebras |
2023-9-22 | Camma Fowler, UNT | Introduction to Hecke operators |
2023-9-15 | Chris Keyes, King's College London | Local solubility in families of superelliptic curves |
2023-9-8 | Jackson Morrow, UNT | Boundedness of hyperbolic varieties |
2023-9-1 | Lea Beneish, UNT | Degree d points on plane curves |