Effective May 14, 2012 through May 12, 2013

Associate Chair: Brand

Graduate Program

Graduate Advisor: Conley

Graduate Affairs Committee:
Allaart, Chair
Brozovic, Conley, Jackson, Shepler

Qualifying Exam Committees:
Real Analysis: Allaart (chair), Iaia, Kallman
Topology: Fishman, Jackson, Urbanski (chair)
Complex Analysis: Anghel, Krueger, Richter (chair)
Algebra: Brozovic (chair), Kung, Shepler

Applied Math: Azad, Liu, J. (chair)

Probability and Statistics: Quintanilla, Song (chair)

Undergraduate Program

Undergraduate Advisors: Cherry, Quintanilla

Undergraduate Affairs Committee (includes teacher education):
Iaia, Chair
Anghel, Cherry, Quintanilla, Teel

Assistant Chair and Director of Core Mathematics Courses: Teel

Course Coordinators:
1100 - Hannigan
1180/1190- Teel
1350/1351 - Hines
1580/1581 lectures - Dulock
1581/1681 labs - Widmer
1650 - Huettenmueller
1680/1681 lectures - Liu, L.
Calculus - Tran

Special Appointments

CAS Computing: Liu, J.

Millican Colloquium Coordinator: Richter

Department Website Coordinator: Kawamura

RTG Program:
Director: Gao
Postdoc Coordinator: Urbanski
Graduate Coordinator: Jackson
Undergraduate Coordinator: Krueger
Assistant Coordinator: Giordano

Outreach Committee:
Liu, J, Chair
Brand, Sari, Song, Tran

University Library Liaison: Cherry

Math Club Sponsor: Anghel

Strategic Planning Committee:
2012 - 2013: Fishman
2012 - 2016: Iaia
2011 - 2015: Shepler
2010 - 2014: Cherry
2009 - 2013: Kung
Gao (ex-officio)

Executive Committee

[Categories A (2) and B (4)] (Article III of the Charter)

Chair: Gao

Term Category A Category B Category B
2011 - 2013 Brand Cherry Richter
2012 - 2014 Urbanski Song Sari


Lecturer Evaluation Committee

Gao, Chair

Brand, Quintanilla, Teel, Tran